District of Columbia

State Governance

State Board of Education

The District of Columbia’s State Board of Education consists of nine members, each serving a four-year term. Each member is elected by a nonpartisan ballot. Two high school students serve as student board members for one-year terms. Their votes are recorded but do not affect the outcomes of any action.

The State Board of Education has the authority over:

  • Content Standard Adoption


Muriel Bowser

Chief State School Officer

Hanseul Kang

State Context

State Demographics

Public Education Enrollment by Special Populations:

Free and Reduced Price Lunch: 99.2%

English Language Learners: 9.4%

Served by IDEA: 1.51%

2015 NAEP State Data

Reading scores for Grade 4 by state average, race/ethnicity and NSLP-eligibility compared to the national average:


Reading scores for Grade 4 by race/ethnicity between 2003 and 2015, additional national average data is included:


Mathematics scores for Grade 8 by state average, race/ethnicity and NSLP-eligibility compared to the national average:


Mathematics scores for Grade 8 by race/ethnicity between 2003 and 2015, additional national average data is included:


Graduation Rates


Adjusted cohort graduation rate between 2011 and 2015:


ESSA Plan & Implementation

Learn about District of Columbia’s ESSA plan.